Google Cloud GCP

Cloud computing has evolved along with technology and now plays a big role in our daily lives. It can be a little overwhelming at first to choose from so many different cloud providers. A number of factors contribute to the popularity of Google Cloud Platform (GCP), one of them is the platform’s practical and user-friendly tools and services. We will go deeper into Google Cloud Platform in our in-depth tutorial, which also provides an overview of cloud computing technologies in general.

The subjects discussed in this article include the following:

  1. What is cloud computing?
  2. Why use Google Cloud Platform?
  3. What is Google Cloud Platform?
  4. Google Cloud Platform components
  5. Ferrero use case
  6. Hands-on GCP exercise.

What is cloud computing?

Cloud computing is the use of hardware and software components in an off-premises location to deliver a service to a network. From any internet-connected device, users can access files and programs.

Among the attributes and skills are:

  1. Using a multi-tenant approach, cloud providers can pull the computer resources needed to offer services to numerous clients.

2. The on-demand self-service provided by cloud computing enables managers to keep an eye on performance.

3. There is almost no downtime and servers are readily managed.

4. From any device with a reliable internet connection, users may upload and access cloud data.

5. Cloud environments are easily available and can be customized to meet the needs of the user.

6. Because clouds are so secure, data breaches are less likely.

7. By moving to the cloud, you may stop investing in on-premises infrastructure.

8. Pay-as-you-go pricing is available, so you only have to pay for the resources you actually utilize.

Why Use Google Cloud Platform?

GCP is popular for many reasons, including:

1. Competitive Pricing

One of the key characteristics that sets Google Cloud apart from other cloud providers is pricing.
A monthly price plan is available for Google Cloud.
Google Cloud pricing offers reductions for devoted usage.
Under this plan, you can receive a discount of up to 57 percent if you agree to buy a certain number of virtual CPUs and memory for one or three years.

2. Speed

Customers of Google Cloud can get up to 10 Tbps of network speed for their Google Cloud and Google Apps.
The network is connected to important centers in Asia, the United States, Europe, significant cities in Japan, and much more.
Because the low-latency network processes data more quickly, customer satisfaction is higher.

3. Big Data

BigQuery and Google Cloud Dataflow are two of the company’s many cutting-edge cloud warehousing and real-time data processing products.
BigQuery is a data warehouse that facilitates rapid, large-scale data processing.
Additionally, Google has released new AI and machine learning tools.

What Is Google Cloud Platform?

Google Cloud Platform is a set of cloud computing services that Google offers, which runs on the same infrastructure that Google uses for its end-user products, such as YouTube, Gmail, and more. Google Cloud Platform offers a variety of services, including:

a. Compute Network

b. Machine learning and AI

c. Big data processing

Google Cloud Platform Components

The Google Cloud Platform has a number of significant features; let’s examine each one in turn to find out more about what it has to offer.


Cloud hosting and processing are made possible by the compute service. Here are the different services that fall under this:

a. App Engine

b. Compute Engine

c. Kubernetes Engine

d. Cloud Functions

e. Cloud Run

Storage and Database

Storage and database services allow the application to store backups, media files, and other types of objects that resemble files. Among the services are:

  • Cloud Storage
  • Cloud Datastore
  • Cloud Spanner
  • Cloud Bigtable
  • Cloud SQL


We can establish DNS records, load-balance traffic among resources, and do a lot more with the networking service. Among the services offered are:

  • Cloud Armor b. VPC c. Cloud CDN 
  • Cloud Load Balancing e. Network Service Tiers
  • Cloud DNS
  • Cloud Interconnect

Big Data

The big data service enables us to process and query big data in the cloud.  A few of the included services are the following::

  • BigQuery 
  • Cloud Dataproc
  • Cloud Datalab 
  • Cloud Data Studio

Developer Tools

The developer tools service includes tools that enable software and application development. 

  • Artifact Registry (beta) 
  • Cloud SDK 
  • Cloud Code 
  • CloudBuild
  • Cloud Scheduler
  • Cloud Tasks 

Identity and Security

This service deals with security and authentication:

  • Cloud Identity 
  • Cloud IAM 
  • Cloud Data Loss Prevention API
  • Security Key Enforcement.

Cloud AI

Cloud AI comprises services related to machine learning, which also encompasses:

  • Cloud AutoML 
  • Cloud Natural Language 
  • Cloud Speech-to-Text 
  • Cloud Text-to-Speech 
  • Cloud Translation API
  • Cloud Vision API 
  • Cloud Video Intelligence .

 Internet of Things(IoT)

You can leverage GCP to create IoT environments with the following tools:

  • Cloud IoT Core 
  • Edge TPU 
  • Cloud IoT

Management Tools

This domain includes services related to management and monitoring.  The services under this are as follows:

  • Cloud Deployment Manager  
  • Cloud Console 
  • Cloud Shell
  • Cloud APIs 

API Platform

The few services under this are as follows:

  • Maps Platform 
  • Developer Portal 
  • API Analytics 
  • Apigee Sense 
  • Cloud Endpoints .


  • BigQuery’s lightning-fast and highly effective data analysis was the solution to Ferrero’s problems.
  • Business analysts at Ferrero were able to store and analyze large amounts of data quickly, reliably, and affordably by using BigQuery on the Google Cloud Platform.
  • Building and automating reports on customer behavior and sales trends was simple.

Ferrero was also able to better suit its clients’ demands by customizing its advertising across a variety of marketing platforms thanks to the analysis.


  • To create more accurate user profiles, Ferrero might segment its database into real-time, actionable customer clusters.
  • Ferrero similarly adapted its marketing techniques to the tastes and requirements of its customers.
  • Google Cloud Platform made all of the advertising, mobile content, and websites entirely customized.
  • Google Cloud Platform developed extremely economical media purchasing techniques.

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What is Google Cloud Platform (GCP)?

Google Cloud Platform: What is it? The rundown on GCP’s background, advantages, disadvantages, best practices, and entry-level qualifications is provided here.

Google Cloud GCP

Do you know anything about YouTube? What about Google Maps and Gmail? Yes, most likely, although you might not be familiar with Google Cloud Platform (or GCP).

We will discuss the products that comprise Google Cloud. We will also discuss the best use cases for the Google Cloud Platform, as well as the history, infrastructure, strengths, and shortcomings of GCP. Now let’s get going!

What is GCP?

Similar to rivals Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS), GCP is a provider of public cloud services. Customers can use computer resources located in Google’s global data centers for free or on a pay-per-use basis through GCP and other cloud vendors.

A range of computing services is provided by GCP, including tools for artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, data management, web and video streaming, and GCP cost control.

Google Cloud vs Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud is a collection of online services that can assist businesses in making the transition to digital. A component of Google Cloud is Google Cloud Platform, which offers public cloud infrastructure for hosting web-based applications and is the subject of this blog article.

Other services included in Google Cloud are as follows:

G Suite and Google Apps were the previous names for Google Workspace. This package offers Gmail, collaboration tools, and identity management for businesses.
Chrome OS and Android enterprise editions. These operating systems for phones and laptops provide users with access to web-based applications.
Enterprise mapping services and machine learning application programming interfaces (APIs). They enable communication between software programs.

Although the foundation of programs like Google Workplace is Google’s GCP cloud architecture, these apps are not what we mean when we discuss GCP. We’re concentrating on Google Cloud Platform in this piece.

The history of Google Cloud Platform

Rewinding a little, let’s begin with GCP’s past.

2008 saw the introduction of GCP with the release of the App Engine software. Customers were able to execute their web applications on Google infrastructure via the App Engine development tool, which Google stated was available for preview release in April 2008. (For context, this was two years after Amazon debuted their cloud computing service, which began with the introduction of EC2 and S3 cloud storage.)

“Make it easy to get started with a new web app, and then make it easy to scale when that app reaches the point where it’s receiving significant traffic and has millions of users,” was Google’s stated mission statement for App Engine.

App Engine was made available to 10,000 developers to get the input required to improve this preview edition. Apps with 500 MB of storage, 200 million CPU megacycles per day, and 10 GB of bandwidth per day could be executed by these early adopters.

By the end of 2011, Google has taken App Engine out of preview and turned it into a fully functional, official Google product. Since then, Google has expanded its offerings and made acquisitions in order to improve the cloud platform’s user experience.

One of the leading global providers of public clouds nowadays is Google Cloud Platform. Nintendo, eBay, UPS, The Home Depot, Etsy, PayPal, 20th Century Fox, and Twitter are just a few companies that use Google Cloud.

What are Google Cloud Platform services?

Each GCP region offers a category of services. Some services are limited to specific regions. Major services of Google Cloud Platform include:

  • Computing and hosting 
  • Storage and database 
  • Networking 
  • Big Data 
  • Machine learning .

The list of GCP Products are : Click Here

GCP competition

Google offers services that are similar to Azure and AWS. With Microsoft gaining ground and Google Platform expanding, AWS is clearly in the lead. (More on this in a moment.)

Check out our other cloud platform overviews:

What is AWS?
What is Azure?
Are you curious in the differences between GCP’s products and other components of other cloud providers? See our comparisons of NoSQL databases, virtual machines (VMs), IAM services, and serverless architectures.

Ready to learn GCP?

Next, what? So, you might think about which GCP certification path or career path is best for you if you’re interested in developing your Google Cloud skill set and steering your organization’s future goals.

With our own series, GCP This Month, stay up to date on all the most recent developments in Google Cloud Platform news.

Google’s new introductory, fundamental-level Cloud Digital Leader certification is a good place to start if you’re new to the cloud.

I suggest starting with the Google Certified Associate Cloud Engineer (ACE) preparatory course if you have some computing knowledge. It does a great job of giving you an overview of the key infrastructural elements of the Google Cloud Platform and laying the groundwork for you to work directly with Google cloud resources.

There are other GCP certification options to think about following the Associate Cloud Engineer test. The Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect credential is one of the hardest in the business right now if you want to put your mettle to the test.


We hope that our blog post about Google Cloud Platform explanations was educational and useful. We covered a wide range of subjects, such as the fundamentals of cloud computing, the advantages of Google Cloud Platform, and a more thorough examination of the features that Google Cloud Platform provides.

We also thoroughly examined a case study that shows how a real client uses GCP and discussed the various services offered by GCP. At the end, we reviewed two comprehensive GCP demos.

The Google Cloud Console to establish a Linux virtual machine instance on Compute Engine. In the second session, we used the same console to carry out simple cloud storage duties.

A collection of cloud services called Google Cloud Platform (GCP) provides compute, storage, and other services. It gives companies the ability to use cutting-edge technology for a range of applications.

Credit : Google Cloud Tech

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